Спасибо, что просветили. Сегодня же объясню своему сколько это должно длиться. Но он, хотя и постарше Вас немного, не поверит, честное слово))))
Average Frequency of Coitus
2.5 times weekly.
Average Time to Orgasm (male)
Kinsey found that 75% of all males reach orgasm
within 2 minutes of penetration, and felt that it was normal, though he does note that it "may be most unsatisfactory to a wife who is inhibited or natively low in response." Way to state the obvious, doc.
Average Duration of Orgasm (male)
3-5 seconds.
Average Time to Orgasm (female)
Females in Kinsey’s studies averaged a little less than
4 minutes to reach orgasm during masturbation, though for coitus it took anywhere from
10 to 20 minutes.
Average Duration of Orgasm (female)
5-8 seconds. Orgasmic contractions in both sexes occur at intervals of 0.8 seconds.